Noah Lowery

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Noah Lowery
Noah Lowery full body.png
Race Human
Gender Male
First appearance Bakugan: The Evo Tournament

Doctor Noah Lowery is Katie Lowery's father and the former head of the Evo Tournament.


Bakugan: The Evo Tournament

After his daughter lost her Bakugan Chamelia to the Doom Dimension by Masquerade, Dr. Lowery constructed a synthetic Bakugan similar to her previous Bakugan, Mecha Chamelia, in addition to a machine that can siphon G-Power from Bakugan. Like non-synthetic Bakugan, Mecha Chamelia posses sentience, and is able to act on its own.

Dr. Lowery also organized tournaments, titled the "Evo Tournament", in order to gather Bakugan to brawl and to steal their power. After the first event ends disastrously, Mecha Chamelia increases the power of the machine, causing its side effects, mainly memory loss, to become much more prominent. This heavily affects Dr. Lowery, causing him to become complacent and remain unaware of Mecha Chamelia's actions.

The cycle of G-Power theft and memory loss continued as the tournament grew and became more extravagant. Eventually, this tournament attracted the attention of the Battle Brawlers, who after getting to the final round of tournament, managed to reverse the effects of the machine and return the memories, including Dr. Lowery's. After realizing what had happened, he shut down the tournament and offered to help with any lingering problems from the machine.


  • Dr. Lowery constructs the first known artificial Bakugan, well before Altair in New Vestroia. Additionally, Mecha Chamelia posses sentience, which none of the other New Vestroia artificial Bakugan are known to have.
